
I am a Research Assistant interested in all things Machine Learning. Specifically, am looking at applications of Geometric Deep Learning to problem domains that are highly symmetric and intersect with science. These include Neural Algorithmic Reasoning, and ML for String Theory.


  • PhD in Computer Science
    2024 – 2028
    University of Cambridge, Trinity College
    • "Supervised by Dr C. Mishra and Prof P. Liò

  • MEng (Hons) in Computer Science
    2022 – 2023
    University of Cambridge, Trinity College
    • "Latent Space Representations of Neural Algorithmic Reasoners" with Dr P. Veličković and Prof P. Liò
    • Best Dissertation Award
    • Graduated with Disctinction

  • BA (Hons) in Computer Science
    2019 – 2022
    University of Cambridge, Trinity College
    • "A Secure USB Port" with Prof F. Stajano
    • 1st Class Honours

Work Experience

  • Research Assistant
    Oct 2023 – Sept 2024
    University of Cambridge
    • Created a novel ML approach to discovering formulas for Ricci-flat metrics on Calabi-Yau manifolds
    • Uncovered new patterns and approximations for the flat metric on highly symmetric K3 manifolds

  • Software Engineering Intern
    July–Sept 2021
    Microsoft Development Center Serbia
    • Developed proof-of-concept for an Azure SQL C++ backend issue that had been outstanding for 3 years
    • Decreased migration downtime from on-premises to Premium tier databases down to 3-5 minutes

Teaching Experience

  • Tutorial Lead for Geometric Deep Learning
    Jul 2024
    EEML 2024
    • Project Supervisor for L65 Geometric Deep Learning
      Jan–Apr 2024
      University of Cambridge, Department of Computer Science and Technology
      • Lecturer at the Computer Science Week 6
        Apr 2021
        Mathematical Grammar School, Serbia
        • Presenter at Science Through Entertainment Exhibition
          Sept 2017
          Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts & University of Stuttgart



          Honours and Awards

          • IAIFI Summer School Hackathon WinnerIAIFI
            Aug 2024
            • Internal Graudate StudentshipTrinity College, Cambridge
              July 2024
              • PhD tuition studentship
            • Highly Commended MEng Project (1/27)University of Cambridge
              June 2023
              • Awarded for the highest scoring master's dissertation
            • Dositeja AwardFund for Young Talents of Serbia
              Dec 2022
              • Contribution toward master's tuition scholarship
            • Senior ScholarTrinity College, Cambridge
              July 2021
              • Elected due to high performance in Part IB of the Computer Science Tripos
              • Re-elected in July 2022 and Dec 2023 due to high performance in Parts II and III
            • Best Part IB Group Project (1/21)University of Cambridge
              Apr 2021
              • Voted the most technically impressive project by faculty and students
            • Bronze Medal60th International Mathematical Olympiad
              July 2019
              • Bronze Medal36th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
                June 2019
                • Best Final Year Project in the Area of AstronomyMathematical Grammar School
                  June 2019
                  • Henry VIII BursaryTrinity College, Cambridge
                    Mar 2019
                    • Four-year tuition scholarship
                  • 99th Percentile (1520/1600)SAT
                    Oct 2018
                    • English Proficiency (7.5/9)IELTS
                      Aug 2018
                      • English Proficiency (112/120)TOEFL
                        Aug 2018
                        • Honourable Mention35th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
                          May 2018
                          • Dositeja AwardFund for Young Talents of Serbia
                            2016 – 2020
                            • High School and University Performance Based Stipend